Sunday 26 June 2011

Recordkeeping and Social Media

There has been a lot of discussion recently on the listserve around the use of Social Media, our obligations and requirements as recordkeeping proffessionals.

In many ways, social media is simply an evoloution. Our proffession is no stranger to the evolution in record formats; clay tablets, papyrus, paper, optical disc, cloud and .....

In much the same way as we struggled, and continue to struggle with managing email as records, we are now faced with a multitude of record formats; physical records, electronic records, records in the cloud and .... what next.

With technology moving at an ever increasing pace, how do we manage social media records? Im sure all of our policies and procedures would define records as being format independent. And while the format doesnt matter, the practicalities of managing social media records does raise its own challenges.

In a presentation last year, we heard from a New Zealand researcher on the various ways in which organisations are managing social media records. In one case, a consultation was conducted via a wiki, at the end of the process, the records were printed, placed on file and stored physically, in around 60 storage boxes.

It seems incredibly strange to print and file, after all we have elaborate and not inexpensive EDRM systems that are designed to enable us to better manage our records, holistically and systematically. Yet, when we looked at our systems, did we think about social media records? How we would capture them? In what format we would capture them, as web pages, as text files, as images?

In the context of social media, where is the record in this process? All? Beginning and end?
Hmmmm, this sounds a little like our early discussions on managing email records doesn't it.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Hooray! We have a blog!

Hooray! We have a blog!

Finally we have a blog!

Okay so it may be looking a bit empty at the moment (totally), but hey its a start!

The plan is to have a “blogfest” on a regular basis, but this is where we need YOU!  What topics do you want, when do you want them etc etc

Our goal is for this to be full of useful information for all of our members to reference.  So with that in mind what would you like to see here?  

Respond and let us know, the choice is yours!